
Real Sleeping Habits

I am ashamed to say that I turned 8 years old when I graduated. I say this because the next daily routine that I’m attacking with vigor is my bedtime.

I realized I had a problem when I woke up yesterday to get to a 10am church service, and it felt like the break of dawn. Granted, my phone never actually made the automatic switch to “fall back” for Daylight Savings Time (which made for a really awkward visit to a new church in the area!), but the fact of the matter is that I struggled to keep my eyes open all day. I nodded off during what was actually a pretty stellar comeback by the Vikings, and then again in the shower this morning, after an attempt to wake up at a reasonable hour.

I am suffering from sleeping-in syndrome. It’s a circle of hibernation: I have nothing to do, therefore I stay up later and sleep in, therefore I have nothing to do, therefore I stay up later and sleep in… My new REM cycle has turned me into a zombie-like, coffee-craving person up until the hour of noon. Just about anything in the AM is painful. Have I turned into a vampire?!?! Hmmm… No, the image that comes to mind is actually Jack Black in Orange County, interrupting daytime guests in his underwear:

Yikes! There’s an image of Adulthood that I’d like to not turn into!

So once again, I say enough is enough! I am mommy-ing myself into shape. Lights out & computer away at midnight, even if everything in me wants to whine “but I’m not tiiiiirrrrreeeeddddd!” Wakey-wakey at 9:30, even if everything in me wants to succumb to my comforter cocoon. Real Sleeping Habits.

Oh good lord. This has never been my strong suit, even in college when I did have a life. Maybe I’ll print out a picture of Jack Black and put it on my wall for inspiration. Maybe with “DON’T BE THIS GUY” in big red sharpie letters across the top and vampire fangs, to remind me to stay away from the nocturnal.

I’ll say this for myself, though: Today I woke up at 9am, albeit groggily and grumpily, and put Real Pants on. 

By the way... Would you rather forget Daylight Savings while visiting a church for the first time in the fall or in the spring? Better to be an hour late or an hour early to church??


  1. Haha, I've definitely been there. You stay up late because you woke up late, and then you wake up late the next day because you don't have anything to do anyway. It's a deadly cycle. I've been working on breaking it too, by forcing myself to get up at a normal time, even if it's just to watch TV all day long lol. And printing out Underwear Jack Black--brilliant.

    And I'd DEFINITELY rather be an hour early than an hour late. Haha, you know me... You should venture out here to Reality SF one day.

  2. Wow...you updated a lot. I prefer going an hour early than an hour late.
